Thursday 16 August 2012

Recommendation #7

So I haven't REALLY been watching as many rom-coms as usual, in fact I have mostly been watching Disney movies, as I am visiting Disneyland soon! Buut, I was sitting there thinking 'I wish a disney film could be counted as a rom-com' Then it really hit me- IT CAN! The storyline's are there- just the real people aren't! So I present to you my favourite Disney film aside from my ULTIMATE favourite movie (Finding Nemo)- 


The plot is basically a rom com (with a tad more evil witch, kidnapped princess) and it is such a feel good film. Let me put it this way, I know pretty much all the words to it. 

Enjoy xx 

P.S the trailer doesn't do it any justice, and deos include bits not seen in the movie, but I'll add it anyways :) 

Friday 29 June 2012

Recommendation no.6

Ok, so I am totally ashamed that I have not been uploading, but my life has been super busy all year, I have barely watched any rom-coms!! But this rom-com isa MUST SEE. The Jane Austen Book Club is incredible. Just watch it. I promise you won't be disappointed :) 


Thursday 5 January 2012

Recommendation #5

Ok, this rom-com is really backwards. You have to watch it to see what I mean. BUT it does star Jennifer Ansiton whom you know if you  have read this blog before I LOVE!! Anyways, the film is pretty obvious from the title but  is VERY good. Please watch.

Love Phoebe

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Recovery #2

OK, so this officially has to be the godfather of all rom-coms. Its an absolute classic, and lets face it it isn't as predictable as most rom-coms. PLease check this out.

By the way, sorry there was nothing yesterday I was out all day in lovely sunny wales (it was actually sunny for a change)
I would also just like to mention that in my opinion everyonce who watches a lot of films should invest in a VHS. I bought 3 rom-coms today for £1.00 just because nobody wants videos. Sure, they take up more room but its worth it!!

Love Phoebe

Sunday 1 January 2012

Recommenation #4

Think I'm on the right number here? Anyway my next recommendation for you lovely lot is an amazing film, The Back Up Plan (starring Jennifer Lopez) it s hilarious, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Oh and I have AMAZING news, Jennifer Aniston is a go-go with a new film in 2012 with PAUL RUDD who also starred in friends!! Apparantley she becomes a hippy which sounds incredible!!

So please chec this film out, you will probably love it as much as I do. Hope 2012 is good for you so far!

Love Phoebe

P.S I really wanna hear your ideas, e-mail me about anything blog-related!! You can get me at

Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year!!

Hope y'alls have an AMAZING new year and I am seriously looking forward to seeing what Jennifer Aniston is in this coming year!! Let's hope its a good year for rom-coms. Whatever you are doing tonight, enjoy, and if you are reading this in NY and are heading over to Times Square, I am very jealous. Think I'm gonna recover a classic for you for the new year, its The Wedding Planner. Absoulte classic, even though it is not that old, starring the queen of rom-coms J-Lo (Jennifer Anston is the princess XD) Anyway, if you need a film to curl up with this evening, please choose this one.

P.S just checked my stats and was surprised how many people have read it, thanks a lot for the support!!

Please e-mail about anything to do with the blog I would LOVE to hear from you!! If you wanna get hold of me its 

Loads of hugs and new year kisses
Phoebe xoxo

Thursday 29 December 2011

Recommendation #3

Ok- you guessed it- Shall we dance is my next recommendation. If you like dancing, this is the film for you, if you don't, this is still the film for you! It is funny, beautifully cast and written  (and coreographed!) I seriously think rom-com lovers should see this. The main character is just sooo sweet!! Anyway, I will add the trailer for you and PLEASE check it out you will not regret it!!

Love Phoebe xoxo